The development of ASIO2KS would have not been possible without the help, suggestions and
support I received from other people:
Sonja Erichsen
The single biggest influence in creating this software was Sonja. Without her my old addiction to
electronic music and keyboard-playing would have probably never been renewed. Music theory and
piano-playing has never been as enjoyful as with you :) Also thanks for putting up with all my
hours on the computer at work & at home.
Sascha Boeddinghaus
Sascha is a very good friend. I really enjoy our discussions which - after a bottle of red wine -
often wind up to be quite philosophic. I hope we get down to do some "jam-sessions" with your
base-guitar and my keyboard in the future - but I guess Sonja still needs to teach me some more
before we can both enjoy this ;)
Danilo Kempf
In addition to being a code-wizard and linux-administration-guru, Danilo is just asthonishing
when it comes to HTML, PHP and building graphics using Fireworx. Many thanks to you for
creating the ASIO2KS-logo and the webpage-layout. Without you this page would probably
look absolutely ugly.
Michael Friedl
Together with Danilo he forms the coding-dreamteam. His insights into object-oriented programming
go far deeper than my mind seems to grasp ;) So thanks for all the good suggestions, comments
and advice I received from you.
Many others
There are numerous other people on netnews, the wdm-mailing-list, from Microsoft developer support,
Steinberg, Emagic, Native Instruments and of course many beta-testers that answered my numerous questions concerning
WDM-kernel-streaming, MFCs etc. and gave me invaluable feedback during testing. I cannot list all
here. Thanks to all of you!